Palette Arrangement


Addmitedly, these pages can take a while to load, especially if you're running at 28.8 from home...
On the other hand, it can be interesting to see different workspace arrangements. (and you never know what you might find...)
On this page you will see 50% reductions of the screenshots, click on them to see a full-size image.
Some of the full size images have been cropped to consolidate white space.


Ron Gillespie

Ron Gillespie

Bob Martin

Bob Martin

David Honan

David Honan

Eric Mar

Erik Mar Pismo

Erik Mar

Jesse Thompson

Jesse Thompson

Mister X

Mister X

matt arnold

Matt Arnold

Andy Caldwell

Andy Caldwell

Greg La Vardera

Greg LaVardera

Dee Calarco

Dee Calarco

Robert Wease

Robert Wease

Bo Clawson

Bo Clawson

Jacques Pochoy's Special Project

Jacques Pochoy

Phil Loheed

To have your arrangement added here, just fire up PowerCADD with a new Untitled document and take a screenshot (Command+Shift+3). Scrub out anything you're reluctant to make public, and send it in. Could it be easier?